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Requesting Changes

Bridging Feedback and Action: Your Role in the Design Revision Cycle

Feedback is a powerful tool in the design process, and at Manchester WebCrafters, we've streamlined how you can influence revisions through Jira. Our video, "Requesting Changes," details each step following your commentary in Figma.

The Path from Feedback to Action

Here's how you can ensure your feedback on Figma leads to change:

  • Return to Jira after leaving comments on Figma.
  • Assign the issue to our team, indicating you've finished your review.
  • Move the ticket from "Client Review" to "To Do," cueing us to start the revision process.

Our Commitment to Your Vision

Once the ticket is assigned and moved to "To Do," our designers and developers act. We meticulously review your comments and make the necessary adjustments, keeping quality and your vision at the forefront.

The Cycle of Review and Refinement

After implementing your feedback, we'll return the ticket to the "Review" column. This means that it's time for you to look over our revisions and make sure they align with your expectations.


Your insights are vital to our iterative design process. By engaging with our team through Jira and Figma, you help shape a product that resonates with your audience and exceeds your standards.

Join the collaborative effort at Manchester WebCrafters, where your feedback is the heartbeat of our design refinement process.