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Jira Issue Basics

Deciphering the DNA of Design: A Jira Issue Dissected

At Manchester WebCrafters, Jira issues are the building blocks of our project management strategy. In our latest video, "Jira Issue Basics," we lay bare the components of a Jira issue and how they serve as a cornerstone for collaboration and design realization.

A Guide to Jira Issue Components

  • Title: Each issue begins with a title, a concise indicator of the issue's essence.
  • Description: The detailed description beneath the title articulates the what and the why of the issue, ensuring all team members and clients are on the same page.
  • Embedded Figma Design: The inclusion of an embedded Figma design allows for a seamless transition from conceptualization to visual review.
  • Comments Section: Dialogue is crucial, and the comments section is where the conversation between our team and you, our client, takes place.

Engaging with the Embedded Figma Design

Figma designs are not just to be viewed; they're to be explored. Clicking on the Figma logo opens up a realm of interactive possibilities, allowing you to see every aspect of the design and provide targeted feedback.

Looking Ahead

With the basics of Jira issues demystified, we're setting the stage for a deeper exploration into the world of Figma. Our upcoming video will introduce you to the fundamentals of this powerful design tool.