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The Backlog

The Backlog: Prioritizing Your Project Tasks with Jira

Defining the Jira Backlog

In the world of project management, the backlog is where tasks begin their journey. It's a dynamic list where all issues await prioritisation before they're tackled in a sprint.

What is an Issue?

In Jira, an issue is any work that needs to be completed. It could be a feature, a bug fix, a research task, or even a story that needs writing.

Sprints: The Heartbeat of Agile Development

A sprint is a set time frame in which teams complete work from the backlog. Usually lasting around two weeks, sprints contain a manageable number of issues to ensure the team can deliver progress reliably and consistently.

Managing Epics

Epics are large, overarching tasks that can be broken down into more minor, more actionable issues. In the context of our projects, epics like 'Design' and 'Website Development' help organise our efforts into coherent, focused themes.

The Role of the Backlog

The backlog isn't just a to-do list; it's a strategic tool. By continuously grooming the backlog - adding, removing, and reprioritising issues - we align the project with your goals.


Understanding and managing the backlog is essential for maintaining an effective and adaptable project trajectory. With Jira, our backlog is a living document that captures the project’s needs and changes in real-time.

Stay with us on this journey with Jira, and together, we'll craft a digital experience that's not just completed but is accomplished with excellence. For a deeper understanding of the process and how you can be involved, visit our help center for more information.