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Jira Introduction: Your Project Planning Ally

Embracing Organization

At Manchester WebCrafters, we believe in the power of organisation, and Jira is our secret weapon. This introduction aims to give you an insight into how Jira will be used to manage your project from inception to completion.

What is Jira?

Jira is a project management tool that excels in tracking issues and organising tasks. It's designed to improve team coordination and client involvement, ensuring that every project step is transparent and on track.

How We Use Jira

We use Jira to:

  • Break down projects into manageable tasks
  • Organise these tasks into sprints and backlogs
  • Track the progress of each task
  • Collaborate and communicate with team members and clients

As a client, your role in Jira is invaluable. You provide the input that shapes the project, ensuring that the final product aligns with your vision.

Get Involved

We encourage you to engage with the process using Jira to:

  • Monitor progress
  • Offer feedback
  • Adjust priorities as your project evolves


Jira is more than software; it's a philosophy of transparent and collaborative planning that we're proud to share with you. Our help centre at help.manchesterwebcrafters.com offers comprehensive guides on each aspect of Jira.

Join us in making project management a seamless experience. Welcome to Manchester WebCrafters.