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Celebrating Milestones with Jira Releases

Defining Releases in Jira

A Release in Jira is a significant event that typically marks the completion of a set of issues or an epic. It signifies a version of your project ready to launch or deliver.

Key Project Releases

Our projects typically have several key Releases, including:

  • Design Complete: This Release marks the finalisation of the design phase. All visual components have been crafted, reviewed, and approved.
  • Website Completed: This is the grand Release, the culmination of all our efforts. It signifies that the website has been fully developed and tested and is ready for deployment or public launch.

The Role of Releases

Releases serve multiple purposes:

  • Benchmarking Progress: They help us benchmark progress against the project plan, giving everyone a clear indication of what has been accomplished.
  • Quality Assurance: Before a release is declared, all related tasks must meet our rigorous standards to ensure the highest quality.
  • Client Collaboration: Clients are closely involved with each Release, providing feedback and approval. This ensures that the final product aligns with their vision.

Celebrating Success

Each Release is a reason to celebrate — it's a tangible result of the hard work and collaboration between our team and our clients. It's not just a marker of progress; it's a testament to our shared commitment to excellence.

Looking Ahead

As we move from one Release to the next, we build momentum, refine our approach, and continuously enhance the value we deliver. The end of the design phase propels us into development, and the completion of the website paves the way for new endeavours.


Releases are milestones that punctuate our journey. They're moments to reflect, to recalibrate, and to rejoice. As we progress from design to full website completion, each release will be both a finish line and a new starting point.

To learn more about how we manage and celebrate Releases in Jira, visit our help centre for more information. Join us as we advance from milestone to milestone, crafting digital experiences that resonate and endure.